Training Resources


The Awareness Workbook should be completed first if the learner only has limited knowledge regarding adult safeguarding. Thereafter the Modules can be completed in any order.

The Learning from Serious Instances of Abuse and Neglect workbook has now been removed. This topic is covered by a module in our e-learning package.

Please Note: All of the above workbooks require the support and guidance of your line manager / team leader. Managers Guidance: Workbooks Contact [email protected] for the password.

For all certificate requests, please send the workbook evaluation and the certificate of completion pages electronically to [email protected].

Resources from Training Events

External E-learning

Video Tutorials and Webinars

A range of video tutorials can be viewed on the TSAB YouTube Channel

Real Safeguarding Stories – an external video resource library telling survivors’ stories through anonymised, actor led videos.

Course Directory

Details on the full range of training offered via TSAB can be viewed in the TSAB Course Directory (pdf).