High Risk Adults Panel (HRAP)

The purpose of the High Risk Adults Panel is to work in collaboration with a core group of multi-agency professionals and extended members to reduce/remove or manage the risk of ‘our’ most vulnerable individuals who are identified as being complex and at high risk of harm. Referrals will be made where other multi-agency processes have not been successful in reducing risk or harm and where a strategic approach to case oversight is required. Referring to the High Risk Panel is not a replacement for the day to day management of the case/risks by agencies involved. This work should still continue whilst the case is referred and considered by the High Risk Adults Panel.

High Risk Adults Panel Terms of Reference and Guidance

Appendix 1: HRAP Referral Flowchart – Stage 1

  • Appendix 3: HRAP Good Practice Example Referral Forms:

For more information about other strategic forums where high risk cases are discussed, such as MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference), MATAC (Multi-Agency Tasking and Coordination) and MAPPA (Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements) see TSAB’s Policy.