Author: Gina McBride

An escalation process that replaces the Team Around the Individual process

*NEW* High Risk Adults Panel (HRAP)

Formerly known as the Team Around the Individual (TATI) panel. HRAP is an escalation process and aims to work in collaboration with a core group of multi-agency professionals to reduce/remove or manage the risk of our most vulnerable individuals who are identified as being complex and at high risk of harm.

Martin – Learning Briefing

We have recently published a learning briefing which covers key themes on; communication with the adult, family and between health and social care, professional curiosity, discharge arrangements, mental capacity assessments, impact of Covid-19. Martin – Learning Briefing

Molly – Learning Briefing

We have recently published a Learning Briefing which covers a number of key themes: learning from good practice, the safeguarding system and multi-agency approaches, adult sexual exploitation, trauma informed care, staff supervision and support, legal literacy. Molly – Learning Briefing

Stephen – Learning Briefing

We have recently published a Learning Briefing which covers a number of key themes: working with family, impact of Covid-19, understanding legal frameworks, handling of complaints and Safeguarding Concerns, End of Life care and transfer of care/funding.