Safeguarding Adult Reviews, Domestic Homicide Reviews and Safeguarding Children Practice Reviews
Purpose: For the Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board, Tees Community Safety Partnerships and Tees Safeguarding Children Partnerships to review their own Learning Review Procedures in respect of the suggestions outlined below. This is to develop a more coordinated approach and to improve lines of communication between partnerships with regards to learning from Reviews.
This protocol links to the Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board Strategic Business Plan and the following objectives/actions:
- Objective: Learn from the findings of local, regional and national Safeguarding Adult Reviews and Learning Lessons Reviews and applicable Domestic Homicide Reviews and Safeguarding Children Practice Reviews and implement action plans.
- Action: Developing and implementing action plans for all Safeguarding Adult Reviews, Learning Lessons Reviews and applicable Domestic Homicide Review and Safeguarding Children Practice Reviews; including sharing learning across partner agencies and seeking assurance that the learning has been embedded into practice.
Joint Working:
- Objective: Collaborate with the Local Safeguarding Children Partnerships, Community Safety Partnerships, Domestic Abuse Steering Groups, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Strategic Vulnerable Exploited Missing and Trafficked Group to deliver joint priorities and objectives.
- Action: Delivering an effective learning, training and development programme guided by learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews to include trauma informed practice and contextual safeguarding
To Note:
* Could be significant delays if doing a joint Domestic Homicide Reviews/other review due to Home Office
*Would need to know key contacts from each Board/Partnership – who coordinates the reviews, who provides admin support, who would be a rep at meetings etc.
Version Control:
Version Number: 2
Date Approved: February 2023