Page 10 - 251420_TSAB ANNUAL REPORT A4 WEB
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What we said we would do

        & what we did

         Priorities     What we said we  What we did
                        would do
         Partnership    Develop relevant      •   The Board has a strong multi-agency commitment to keeping people safe and
                        partnerships around      invited local agencies to deliver presentations focusing on key safeguarding
                        priority issues.         themes, improving knowledge and understanding of the work of other
                                                 organisations and their roles in safeguarding.
                        Ensure statutory agencies  •   Presentations this year included: Tees All Age Autism Partnership, Local Criminal
                        work together in an      Justice Board, Timelock, MATAC (Multi-Agency Tasking and Co-ordination),
                        effective manner.        Newcastle City Council: Joint Serious Case Review (concerning sexual
                                                 exploitation of young women).
                        Work more closely with   •   Board representatives became and continue to be actively involved in the
                        partners in children     Cleveland Anti-Slavery Network, which brings together a range of organisations
                        focussed and community   in tackling the issue of Modern Slavery.
                        safety services.      •   Members of the Communication and Engagement Sub-Group became involved
                                                 with the Teeswide Violence Against Women and Girls Communication Network.
                                              •   The Board approved a revised version of the Inter-Agency Safeguarding Adults
                                                 Concern Form.
                                              •   The Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of Children and Adults at Risk
                                                 Policy was relaunched.
                                              •   The Board’s E-learning contract was reviewed in partnership with the Tees Local
                                                 Safeguarding Children Boards.

        A report was made to Cleveland Police involving a vulnerable male who had suffered serious injuries following an attack with a
        corrosive substance. The victim disclosed how he had been trafficked into the UK and forced to grow cannabis and was regularly
        beaten by his captors and had limited access to food. Cleveland Police Vulnerable, Exploited, Missing and Trafficked team liaised with
        services including the NHS, Social Care, Housing, Salvation Army and the National Crime Organisation, arranging urgent medical care
        for the victim. Temporary accommodation was provided to the victim whilst initial enquiries were carried out, leading to permanent
        accommodation being sought out of area, safely away from the traffickers.

        As a result of the investigation meetings were held between VEMT and other services, resulting in the creation of
        a victim pathway in which each service had a clearly defined role. The victim has remained in contact with VEMT,
        supported the investigation fully and is successfully beginning to learn English, which has resulted in him now being
        employed and living independently.

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