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Priorities                 What we said we  What we did
                                    would do
                                    Develop strategies and   •   The ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’ guidance was strengthened
                                    guidance for dealing with   in line with national developments. This guidance continues to
                                    all types of abuse.       be one of the Boards most accessed online resources.
                                                          •   All TSAB policies and guidance documents were reviewed to
                                    Reduce repeat             incorporate a ‘think family’ approach.
                                    occurrences of abuse.  •   Focused work commenced to look more closely at safeguarding
                                                              incidents occurring between residents in care homes. The
                                    Provide effective and     outcome of this work will be reported in 2019-20.
                                    consistent responses to   •   The Operational Leads Sub-Group held focussed discussions
                                    reported abuse.           on Domestic Abuse and heard about the new Whole Systems
                                                              Approach adopted by Cleveland Police. Work to understand the
                                                              nature of repeat occurrences of this type of abuse will be carried
                                                              out in 2019-20.
                                                          •   There was a 77% increase in the number of Section 42
                                                              Enquiries carried out relating to Domestic Abuse.
                                                          •   Exemplar forms for submitting Safeguarding Concerns and
                                                              SAR Notifications were developed to improve the quality of
                                                              information received and to assist with a timely response at the
                                                              point of contact.

        “Gerald has dementia and often wanders, which keeps him calm. He was unable to consent to being in hospital as he lacked capacity,
        however he needed to remain here in order to be safe. Keeping him in hospital without his consent would have interfered with his
        Article 5 Human Right to Liberty. Staff therefore used the DoLS to ensure this right was protected during
        his stay. The DoLS allowed Gerald to remain in hospital and for a member of the Therapeutic Care Team
        to be with Gerald at all times, keeping him safe as he walked, calming himself in the process.”

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