Page 5 - 20200227 - Minutes - TSAB - Public
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            2.  Further discussions to take place between LAs and Police        LAs/ Police       23/04/20
                regarding the MACH

         Agenda Item 6        Sub-Group / Task & Finish Group Update          Presenter: Sub-Group Chairs
         Communication & Engagement (CE) Sub-Group

              Chairing Arrangements
         Steve Rose, previous Chair of CE has left Catalyst and so there is an opportunity for a new Chair for the
         Sub-Group. AB welcomed volunteers. Hartlepool Borough Council (HBC) were making enquiries with
         their Communications team to determine if they could support this. John Lovatt (JL) will chase this up.

              Resident Magazines
         The  Board  has  previously  committed  to  publishing  two  articles  per  year  in  Local  Authority  resident
         magazines which would reach every household across Tees. Some Local Authorities charge a fee to
         include an article within these magazines and across Tees this would be a significant commitment from
         the  allocated  budget.  It  was  agreed  for  Local  Authority  representatives  to  speak  with  their
         Communication Teams to establish if this fee could be waived or negotiated.

         Helen Smithies (HS) enquired if other organisations could include articles within their magazines. HS
         advised that South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (STHFT) produce a printed magazine that is
         distributed throughout the hospitals and perhaps TSAB articles could be included. Amy Mahoney (AM)
         will follow this up with partners.

         Learning Training & Development (LTD) Sub-Group
         There is a LTD meeting next week and the group will be focusing on the outcome from the Training
         Needs Analysis and looking at the Training Budget for the next financial year.

              E-Learning Contract
         Two bids were received and have been evaluated. The Board are currently waiting for references before
         the new provider is confirmed. The current E-Learning contract comes to an end on 31 March 2020.

         Policy Procedures and Practice Guidance Task & Finish Group

              New Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Procedures
         The new procedures were launched at the beginning of February and shared widely through a variety of
         methods, with a plea for all professionals to check within their own organisations that the old versions
         have been removed and that links on websites are updated accordingly. The Business Unit are in the
         process of including a more interactive version on the TSAB website which will include links to other
         pieces of local guidance.

              Causing Section 42 Enquiries Guidance
         The Care Act 2014 permits Local Authorities to cause other agencies to complete an Enquiry on their
         behalf.  An  action  from  the  Josh  SAR  Case  was  to  develop  local  guidance  around  this  in  order  to
         formalise the process. Solihull Safeguarding Adults Board have produced some guidance and the TSAB
         asked permission to adapt it. There is also a letter template as well as a report template to guide staff
         when completing a S42 Enquiry - this addition has been requested by professionals who have attended
         the newly commissioned Section 42 Enquiry training.  The draft guidance has been circulated to health
         colleagues  for  feedback  and  the  Business  Unit  has  received  comments  from  TEWV  which  can  be
         incorporated. HS felt that the guidance needs to mention proportionality as all health related Concerns
         should  not  necessarily  be  for  the  Health  Trusts  to  lead  on  and  there  is  potential  for  the  number  of
         Enquiries to increase for the Health Trusts based on how the guidance is currently written.

              Other Enquiries Guidance
         The Task & Finish Group has produced some brief guidance to provide some clarity on ‘other enquiries’
         i.e. when the Section 42 criteria are not met, for example when a person subject to safeguarding dies
         during  the  enquiry  process.  It  is  mainly  to  assist  practitioners  when  logging  enquiries  onto  care

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