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Partnership and Professional Accountability

                                 Multi-Agency Working

        Teeswide Safe Place Scheme                                        Audit Programme

        These  are  venues  in  the  community  where  people   A  programme  of  audits  was  conducted  throughout
        who need extra support can go to if they need help.     2017-18 which examined some of the key issues that
                                                                had been highlighted for review across Tees.
        Those feeling vulnerable can use the scheme if they

        are  feeling  unsafe,  but  many  who  may  benefit  never   ……………………………………....
        actually  use  it,  although  the  existence  allows  some
        people to feel safer and live more independently.

        The  scheme  is  supported  by  local  Police,  the  Police           Risk Register
        and  Crime  Commissioner,  the  four  Local  Authorities
        across Tees and independent agencies who volunteer      The  Board  developed  a  Risk  Register  in  September
        to help support and provide locations.                  2017 that  is reviewed every six months.

        There have been notable additions to the scheme over    This identified six key risks from the Strategic Business
        the last twelve months, including Teesside Retail Park   Plan  2017-18,  which  is  now  monitored  as  part  of  the
        and Middlesbrough Football Club.                        Board’s overall business planning processes.


                                                                          Quality Assurance

                                                                          Framework (QAF)

                                                                The  QAF  is  a  self-audit  process  and  tool  used  by
                                                                Board  partner  agencies  to  provide  assurances  about
                                                                services being delivered to adults in four key areas:

                                                                1.   Prevention and Personalisation
                  Picture taken at the launch of the scheme
              at Middlesbrough Football Club in November 2017   2.   Leadership
                                                                3.   Adult Safeguarding Practice

        There are now 96 locations:                             4.   Professional Accountability
        Hartlepool:            25
        Middlesbrough:         16
        Redcar & Cleveland:    17                               Board partner agencies provide inter-agency oversight
        Stockton-on-Tees:      38                               of the process by forming Evaluation Groups.

                                                                These  have been drawn from a wider range of  partner
        ……………………………………...                                       organisations in the last year, which is helping improve
                                                                understanding  of  the  framework  and  enhance  multi-
                                                                agency working.

            Safeguarding Champions
                                                                Nine non-statutory partners started the QAF process in
        This initiative was launched in 2017-18, which resulted   2017-18,  with  work continuing to complete and report
        in a diverse range of professionals from public, private   on the findings.
        and voluntary organisations signing up to the scheme.

        Safeguarding  Champions  support  the  work  of  the
        Board by being the point of contact inside their agency            Impact of the Work
        and by helping raise awareness in the community.
                                                                     Partner agencies are working

                                                                 together to co-ordinate safeguarding
                                 66   Professionals              adults work, and provide assurances
                                         Volunteered                about services being delivered.

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