Manager Impact Evaluation: Safeguarding & Self-Neglect – December 2024 Manager Impact Evaluation: Safeguarding & Self-Neglect – December 2024 Step 1 of 2 – Part 1 50% General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)*To be of value we need to know whether the training provided by TSAB has contributed to increasing the competence of the workforce, the adoption of good practice and increased awareness of policies and procedures. The information provided will help us to make, if required, any revisions to the course and or materials used. Please note: all responses will be analysed and reported to the Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board I agree to the above statement Delegate's Name* First Last Please rate how you feel the knowledge, skills and confidence of the delegate have improved as a result of attending the course*0 Not At All12345678910 SignificantlyPlease provide an example of something the delegate has done differently as a result of attending the course, and what impact this may have had for service users*Has the training highlighted any further training needs within your organisation?* Yes No Please provide details of the areas where you feel further training would be beneficial*NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Share this:EmailFacebookTwitterLinkedIn