Initial Evaluation Form: Safeguarding & Self-Neglect – March 2025 Initial Evaluation Form: Safeguarding & Self-Neglect – March 2025 Step 1 of 4 25% General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)*The aim of this survey is to allow us to evaluate how useful the content of the course has been for the delegates that attended. This allows us to ensure that our training continues to meet the requirements of delegates and assists with the planning of future events and courses. I agree to the above statement Please rate your knowledge & skills on this subject prior to attending the event*0 (None at all)12345678910 (Excellent)How would you now rate your knowledge & skills on the subject after attending the event?*0 (None at all)12345678910 (Excellent) Please select the most appropriate response – you will have the opportunity to add any additional comments at the end of the form.I was happy with the organisation and administration of the event*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly agreeThe webinar process worked well for training*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly agreeThe content was well organised and easy to follow*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly agreeAdequate time was provided for questions and discussion*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly agreeI was happy with the length and pace of the event.*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly agreeThe training met my expectations and objectives*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly agreeI will be able to apply the knowledge learned*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly agreeHow would you rate the training overall?*UnsatisfactoryAverageGoodExcellent How will the training impact on your everyday work?*Is there anything that would help to improve the training?*Please use the space below to provide any further comments you may wish to makeAs the survey is anonymous we are unable to respond to any comments made here. If you would like a response please contact: [email protected] Would you like to be a Safeguarding Champion?• Receive regular updates about free training opportunities • Keep up to date with safeguarding activity and events in Tees • Find out about support services in your area • Get involved with awareness campaigns • Receive up to date information about Adult Safeguarding to share with your networks • Help to share information, offer advice and signpost people in your community • Seek feedback to help shape future safeguarding practices Yes, I would like to sign up to become a Safeguarding Champion Name*Name of Organisation:*CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Share this:EmailFacebookTwitterLinkedIn