Delegate Impact Evaluation: Safeguarding & Self-Neglect – December 2024 Delegate Impact Evaluation: Safeguarding & Self-Neglect – December 2024 Step 1 of 2 – Part 1 50% General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)*The aim of this survey is to allow us to evaluate how useful the content of the course has been for the delegates that attended, and to establish what impact the training may have had on practice. This allows us to ensure that our training continues to meet the requirements of delegates and assists with the planning of future events and courses. The survey may be completed anonymously. Contact details only need to be supplied if you wish to request a Certificate of Attendance. The survey responses will be retained for a maximum of one year to allow for course evaluation reports to be compiled, after which they will be deleted. We will not share your data with any third parties and you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by emailing: [email protected] I agree to the above statement Certificate of Attendance*Please indicate if you would like to receive a Certificate of Attendance for this event Yes No Name*Please provide your name as you would like it to appear on the CertificateEmail*We will send your Certificate to this address Please rate how you feel your knowledge, skills and confidence have improved as a result of attending the course*0 Not At All12345678910 SignificantlyPlease provide an example of something you have done differently as a result of attending the course, and what impact this may have had for service users*Has the training highlighted any further training needs within your organisation?* Yes No Please provide details of the areas where you feel further training would be beneficial*PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Share this:EmailFacebookTwitterLinkedIn